Acupressure Reflexology Socks Massage Set

$29.95 $60

The foot has over 7,000 nerve endings, also known as reflex points. When various reflex points are stimulated, that induce a healing response. With repeated practice these channels of blocked energy can be cleared resulting in improved overall health.

These reflexology socks display the right location, letting you find the right massage area. It is suitable for home or massage salon. The socks are made of cotton, breathable, moisture wicking and comfortable to wear. It’s also a good fit for beginners, to quickly learn about reflexology points.

Put on socks now! Use the easy to follow diagrams and locate the corresponding organs and systems of the body. Let’s start to heal by just simply applying pressure on the right area with the help of this Acupressure Reflexology Socks!

Reflexology Zones Are Clearly Identified
Use the easy to follow diagrams and locate the corresponding organs and systems of the body.

Promotes Healing
Can assist and promote body healing by acupressure treatment through the feet.

Functional & Versatile
Can be used at home or in a massage salon. Simply follow the diagram and you heal those body systems.

Made Of High Quality Cotton
The socks are made of a high quality cotton, are breathable, moisture wicking and comfortable to wear.

Long Lasting Use
The Acupressure Reflexology Socks are durable and long-lasting, abrasion-resistant and not easy to break.