Make Your Eyes Look Ten Years Younger!
''My eyes say I’m 50, but after using the Eyelift Strips for an eye lift, you would never know.''
When I was in my 20’s, I barely wore any makeup. I would put on a layer of mascara and head out the door. I had pride in my natural beauty, fresh looking face, and smooth skin. But these days, when I look in the mirror, I barely recognize the person looking back at me.
Words that could possibly describe your aging eyelids
- Saggy
- Droopy
- Hooded
- Tired
If the saying goes, “your eyes are the windows to your soul”, wouldn’t you want some good-looking curtains? My eyelids have taken a hard hit through the years. Sometimes people think I’m scowling, upset, or tired, because of my droopy eyelids.
What I really need, is something that doesn’t hurt and works fast! I weighed out my options, but everything these days come with high risk for what could be little reward.
Forget expensive procedures
Fillers: Fillers are very popular, but I have never been too great with needles and I’m not sure if I am ready to commit to it. For someone like myself that rarely wears makeup, fillers would be a dramatic change. I also find the cost to be quite pricey.
Expensive procedures: Whether you go for a day at the spa or a clinic that specializes in skin tightening, chances are, you are spending hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars. From radio frequency procedures to the popular vampire facials, it could cost more than you expected. Procedures are great when you want to splurge on some self-care or spend a day at the spa with the girls, but not as an everyday fix.
Procedures: I don’t need to explain anything here! Cosmetic or reconstructive procedures on any part of your body, is not for everyone. If you can’t handle discomfort (like myself), don’t have the money, and can’t afford to take time off work, it may not be the fix for you. I’ve seen pretty good results on others, but I’m not ready to commit to procedures just yet. If only there was a way to show you what the results were BEFORE going under the knife…